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A New Way Forward for Cotton Whites - Depilling & Whiteness in one wash.

A New Way Forward for Cotton Whites - Depilling & Whiteness in one wash.

We all love white clothes. A crisp white shirt, a bright summer dress, or that go-to white hoodie makes us feel fresh and put-together. But here’s the thing: keeping whites actually white feels like an impossible task. After a few washes, they’re not white anymore. They’re… let’s call it “greyish beige.” And no amount of scrubbing, soaking, or fancy laundry powders seems to fix it.

Studies demonstrate that whites lose their sparkle after only 3 washes, becoming dull and dingy. This is due to a combination of factors, including lint buildup, pilling, and the gradual breakdown of fabric fibers.

The average household spends about $200 a year on laundry products, most of which are designed to clean your clothes, not restore them. That’s where the problem lies. Your typical laundry powder might smell nice, but it doesn’t deal with the real issues of white clothes: lint, fuzz, pilling, and those annoying little fabric bobbles making your clothes look dull, old and worn out.  But don’t worry! there’s hope. And no, it’s not your average run of the mill laundry detergent solution. 

Meet BIORESTORE, the world’s first, patent pending & Award-Winning Laundry Re-Tergent™ Treatment! 

Why Whites Stop Being White 

First, let’s talk about what’s happening to your white clothes. 

When you wash your whites, your washing machine does more than just clean. It rubs the fabric together, breaking tiny cotton fibers on the clothing surface. These fibers then stick to the surface of your clothes as lint, fuzz, pilling and bobbles. Over time, this build-up makes your whites look dull and worn out.

Add in sweat, stains, and everyday dirt, and your once-perfect white T-shirt starts to look like it’s been through a mud wrestling match. And here’s the kicker: no regular market laundry powder or dye can fix this. They clean on the surface, but they can’t undo the damage to the fabric itself namely the pilling, bobbles and fuzz.

The BIORESTORE Difference 

So, what makes BIORESTORE different? It’s not a detergent—it’s a Laundry Re-Tergent™ Treatment. While detergents are designed to clean, BIORESTORE™ takes another approach, going deeper into the science of textiles. It restores your clothes to their original state, tackling the root of the problem. 

Here’s what it does:

  • Breaks Down Lint and Pilling

BIORESTORE effectively removes lint, pilling, and fabric bobbles, giving your clothes a deep yet gentle exfoliation. It targets those tiny fibers and bumps that make your favorite items look fuzzy or worn, leaving them smooth, fresh, and polished.

  • Restores Brightness Without Bleach.

Unlike traditional detergents that rely on brighteners, bleaches or dyes to “fake” whiteness, BIORESTORE™ revives the original whiteness of your clothes by removing the pilling and bobbles which cause your clothing to look dull. Meaning, no bleach or harsh chemicals, just pure textile science.

The Science Behind It (In Simple Terms) 

BIORESTORE™ uses advanced enzymes and eco-friendly ingredients to target, exfoliate and remove broken fibers (Pilling & Bobbles), at a deep level, repairing the textile surface to its original look and feel. And here’s the best part: it works after just one wash. That’s right, no need for multiple washes, use of time-consuming tools, your whites can look as good as new in a single load. 

Reduce, Reuse, Restore! 

Fast fashion is one of the biggest polluters in the world, with over 92 million tons of textile waste created every year [1]. A big chunk of this comes from clothes that are tossed because they look worn out not because they’re unusable. 

With BIORESTORE, you can extend the life of your clothes by reducing waste and saving money. That white T-shirt you thought was ruined? It still has years of life left in it with a little TLC 

Who’s Using BIORESTORE? 

This isn’t just some niche product. BIORESTORE is already stocked by big names like, Polarn O Pyret and Lindex. It’s used by parents trying to keep their kids’ school uniforms looking sharp, fashion lovers who want their whites runway-ready, and anyone who cares about sustainability. With BIORESTORE, you’re not just washing your clothes—you’re giving them a second life. 

Ready to Try It? 

Experience the difference. BIORESTORE restores your whites to their original brilliance, so you can enjoy your clothes longer and look your best. 

Textile Waste: link 

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